Comment choisir la veilleuse parfaite pour votre bébé ? - Le Bon Plan

How to choose the perfect night light for your baby?


Children often have difficulty falling asleep alone, being used to the reassuring presence of their parents. For the latter, finding peaceful nights without their baby is an understandable desire. However, the proximity of children can disrupt parents' sleep. This is why many are looking for solutions to encourage children to sleep alone in their own room. The night light appears to be a welcome option in this approach. However, choosing the perfect night light can be up for debate. Here is an article that will help you make an informed decision.

A night light is a soft and discreet light source, used in children's bedrooms to reassure them during the night. Unlike intense lighting, the night light emits a subdued light which aims to soothe. Its advantages and disadvantages are worth considering.

The advantages of the night light are numerous. It reassures the child and makes it easier to fall asleep by eliminating the fear of the dark. In addition, it makes it possible to find lost objects in the room and allows older children to move to the toilet at night. Parents can also move around the room without turning on the main light, avoiding waking the child.

Some night lights are equipped with a baby monitor, giving parents the opportunity to monitor their baby remotely. They generally consume less energy than traditional lighting, which makes them more economical. Image projections and color variations can have a relaxing effect on children, as can music that helps them sleep. In addition, the night light can be a decorative element beneficial for the well-being of children.

It is also useful in noisy environments, as it allows the door to be closed without disturbing the child's sleep. In addition, it makes nighttime tasks such as bottle-feeding or changing the baby's diaper easier.

However, some parents worry that the night light will disrupt their baby's sleep, although this is rare. It can also disrupt the child's day-night rhythm if he gets too used to it. It is important to maintain some darkness in the bedroom to promote quality sleep, as light can be distracting. In some cases, the night light can also cause a feeling of extra heat, especially during periods of heatwave.

In summary, choosing a night light suitable for your baby requires weighing the advantages and disadvantages according to their specific needs and the environment in which they live.

Why install a night light in your baby's room?

A child lies in bed, one hand resting on a plane, while a night light gently illuminates his face from his bed. The night light isn't just for little ones; even older children can benefit from it to fall asleep.

When your baby begins to fall asleep alone in his room, he may feel fear and anxiety. This is when many parents wonder if it makes sense to use a night light in their baby's room.

When does a baby need a night light? There is no specific age to start using a baby night light. As soon as your infant begins to sleep alone, a night light can be beneficial, especially if he experiences a fear of the dark and has difficulty falling asleep without his parents present.

In what situations is a baby night light useful? A night light is convenient for nighttime feedings because it provides soft light that allows the mother to breastfeed comfortably without having to turn on a bright light that could disrupt the baby's sleep. It also reassures babies who have difficulty falling asleep alone or who have nightmares. In addition, it allows parents to discreetly check if everything is okay while their baby is sleeping.

What types of baby night lights are available? There are several types of baby night lights, each with their own features and manufacturing materials. Some models are multi-functional, offering a combination of different features to meet individual needs.

Features include portability, light projections, programmable timers, built-in music, light and sound sensors, touchscreen capabilities, time indicators, plush night lights, and hanging night lights for hanging on the top of the bed.

In summary, choosing the right night light for your baby depends on their specific needs and your feature preferences.

Which night lights to choose?

The composition:

Various materials go into making night lights, and it is crucial for parents to check whether they meet safety standards. The brand is also an aspect to consider. Opting for FSC wooden night lights is an ecological choice, thus preserving forest resources and contributing to their renewal. However, to ensure your baby's safety, a plastic night light may be more practical. Paper night lights, while recommended, may not be as durable as those made from wood or plastic.

How to choose the right night light? A night light illuminates in close-up in the darkness, green in color and shaped like a star. It is essential to make an informed choice when selecting a night light for your baby. In addition to functionality, other criteria influence this choice, such as color, energy consumption, mobility and aesthetics.

The colour :

Color is an essential criterion because babies are often attracted to it. However, it is important not to overdo it. Neutral, yellow and orange tones approximate natural light, which is calming for the child. Pink and purple colors can also provide comfort and security. On the other hand, bright colors like red, green and blue are less recommended because they can be perceived as intense and less calming.

Energy consumption:

Energy consumption is an aspect that should not be overlooked when choosing a night light. This may depend on the power supply, whether it is batteries, batteries or mains power. Opting for an energy-efficient night light can help reduce electrical costs.

Transport mobility:

Thinking about how you plan to use it is important. For frequent travel, a portable night light is recommended, while a stationary night light may be sufficient if you mostly stay at home.


The aesthetic aspect of the night light is also important, especially with regard to its shape and design. A soft night light with rounded shapes can be more reassuring for the child. Familiar motifs like animals or characters are also appreciated.

Where to buy baby night lights?

Night lights are available at many points of sale, from supermarkets to specialized stores and online sites. There are many models on the market, each with its own characteristics.

How to arrange the night light in the bedroom?

The location of the night light can pose a problem for parents looking to ensure peaceful sleep for their child. It is recommended to place it away from the bed to reduce the brightness and avoid any disruption to sleep. Another option is to place it on the nightstand, making it easier to adjust the brightness.

You can also hang it around the bed, which is suitable for older children who can turn it on and off at will. Another alternative is to place it above the bed, such as with a hooked night light, while ensuring that the light is not directed towards the child's face.

You can also put it in the bed to accompany the child while they sleep, ensuring that the light is soft so as not to disturb. If you place it on the wall, make sure it is plugged into an electrical outlet and that its position does not interfere with the child's sleep.

Can we replace the night light?

Some parents prefer to avoid using the night light for various reasons. They can opt for alternatives like homemade string lights, dawn stimulators or fluorescent objects to create a calming atmosphere in the child's room. However, those who prefer a simple solution can leave the door ajar to let in outside light.

Differences between night light and bedside lamp:

Both the night light and the bedside lamp are light sources used in the bedroom, but they have different functions and characteristics. The night light is typically softer and stays on all night, while the bedside lamp provides brighter lighting and can be turned off as needed. The night light is often preferred for babies because of its soft and reassuring lighting.

In summary, the night light can be beneficial in ensuring peaceful sleep for your child, but it is essential to find the location and type of night light that best suits you and your child's needs.

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